A grandparent can have the greatest influence on the union of a family.
Grandparents play a special role in a child’s life. And, it’s a season in parenting that can be the reward for a lifetime of work. Strong grandparent bonds are so important, so that is why we’ve dedicated a whole month to talk about this station in life.
Heather Johnson shares how we can form generational relationships that will strengthen every member of the family.
Brooke and Heather,
Thank you so much for this segment. Growing up, my best friend was my paternal grandma. As a mom, my goal was to be as loving as she was. Now that I am a grandma, my goal is to be the best. You reminded me about the unconditional love that we share. Brooke, please don’t be ashamed to show the love you have for Grandma Jo. I have felt that love from you, to her, for several years.