Balance Training

Personal Trainer Danette Allen breaks down balance training.

Balance training has become a huge hit when everyone realized that it is not only for athletes, but for regular people looking to improve their stabilization, core muscles, weight loss goals, and overall health goals.

There has been a lot of success training individuals incorporating balance. It not only helps slim you down through the midsection, by tightening your core, but helps with the prevention of injuries by making you more stable and less likely to fall or twist wrong, breaking a hip or injuring your lower back

A few exercises to start incorporating into your work out routine are:

Easy (Beginner): One leg toe touch w/ arm raise

Medium (Intermediate): One leg balance- leg swing

Hard (Advanced): Jump step w/ one leg balance

Danette Allen is the owner of Action Personal Training in Salt Lake City. She has been a dietician and fitness professional for the past 11 years. Danette has a huge passion for health and speaks to local and national groups about ways to feel your best. For more information about her personal training services or fitness retreats, visit

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