Get a Boost on Nursing

Dr. Loredana Haeger, the Dean of Health Sciences of SLCC, explains requirements, timing, and other great tips on attending the Salt Lake Community College for a nursing degree.

The Salt Lake Community College Nursing Program offers an Associate of Applied Science degree in Nursing, which enables graduates to apply for the NCLEX exam for registered nursing. Also offered is the Advanced Placement Program for practical nurses returning for an AAS degree.

This program is accredited by the National League for Nursing and Utah State Board of Nursing. The National League for Nursing is an accrediting body that lets employers know about the quality of the instruction students receive and the standards that are in place in granting degrees. Nurses will often work in physicians’ offices, nursing homes, public health centers, or directly in the industry. Some nurses will even work directly in patients’ homes.

The SLCC General College Catalog, found on their website, provides specific information regarding admission requirements for the nursing program. After completing all prerequisite courses with a C+ grade or better, students may apply to the Nursing Program through the Health Science Admission’s Office.

After applying for the program, SLCC students have to wait before starting the nursing program. Most programs either accepts or denies an applicant. Upon applying to the SLCC program, qualified applicants are place on an “acceptance list.” Students are mailed an “acceptance letter” that includes a projected starting date, and instructions on how to reach the Health Science Admissions Office for updates of their start date status.
Currently on average, applicants remain on the acceptance list 2- 3 years before beginning the technical training phase of our nursing program.

While on the acceptance list, they recommend that you complete the additional general education requirements for an AS degree if you are planning to complete a Bachelor’s degree in the future, try to position yourself fiscally and psychologically with the understanding that you will need to devote a substantial portion of your energy to the requirements of the nursing program, and read the following document: What to do while waiting.

Salt Lake Community College has an extensive clinical experience that gives students practical experiences that start in assisted living facilities and progress all the way to emergency room and critical care units. We have the most extensive clinical program in the state and our students benefit from these diverse experiences.
SLCC students have a very high pass rate on the final exam, and graduate from SLCC well prepared for its rigors.

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Phone: (801) 957-4111


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