Healing from a Spouse’s Pornography Problem

A discussion of pornography typically focuses on the user with little help directed at the healing of the afflicted spouse or family member.

In the documentary “Out in the Light” Steve and Rhyll Crowshaw share their story of how Steve’s pornography addiction impacted their marriage for more than 30 years. Through it all, Rhyll has found personal peace and healing and shares what she has learned through her experience.

Rhyll’s tips for finding hope and healing:

1. Seek information. Rhyll says, “Education about the    addiction helped soften the feeling that I had been    personally attacked and was one of the steps to    refining my hope.”

2. Take care of yourself. Rhyll says, “I needed    healing… not because I was weak but because I    had been hurt.” Rhyll recommends taking time to    slow down your emotions.

3. Find support and safety through: A 12-step group    and sponsor; qualified counseling; a strong spiritual    connection; boundaries – refusing to enable addict    behaviors such as lying, victim attitude, blaming,    and resentment.

4. Recognizing you have a choice in how you feel and    how you approach the challenge. Rhyll says, “If I    live in the past, I live with resentment. If I live in    the future, I live with fear which paralyzes me. I    started to learn to live in the present and be    grateful for the present moment.”

For more information visit Rhyll and Steve Crowshaw’s foundation at www.salifeline.com, and to view the “Out in the Light” documentary, visit www.outinthelight.com.

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