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7 Ways to Look Younger without Undergoing “The Knife”

Nationally-recognized Aesthetic Medicine Specialist Dr. Steve Jepson discusses the non-surgical options in his new book “7 Ways to Look Younger without Undergoing ‘The Knife.'”

While few of us like growing older, it is of course inevitable. But, this doesn’t mean we have to look older, and we don’t have to feel older either. The rapidly growing field of Aesthetic Medicine can provide the tools we need to slow down the aging process. Plastic Surgery is no longer the only effective option. Non-surgical cosmetic treatments are now performed four times more often than cosmetic surgery in the United States. In his new book, nationally-recognized Aesthetic Medicine specialist Dr. Steven Jepson M.D. (a regular Studio 5 guest), walks you through the most common non-surgical anti-aging treatments including Botox Injections, Dermal Fillers, and Cosmetic Laser Treatments. He also guides you through anti-aging treatments that don’t require procedures including Skin Care Products and Bioidentical Hormone Management. Written in layman’s terms, Dr. Jepson explains how these treatments work, what to expect when visiting your doctor, and how to avoid the pitfalls that can sometimes be associated with cosmetic treatments. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to look younger, and a must-read for anyone considering non-surgical cosmetic procedures.

You should read this book if:

• You want to look younger but don’t like the idea of plastic surgery

• You are confused by all the anti-aging skin care products currently on the market

• You have consulted with doctors but are still confused about all the aesthetic options available

• You have thought about getting Botox, but are hesitant to really have it done for one reason or another

• You aren’t clear about the difference between Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, and Perlane

• You have told your doctor that there is something wrong with your hormones, but he/she doesn’t listen

• You don’t know the difference between a photo-facial, an IPL, or a fractionated laser

• You’ve spent a lot of money on skin creams, but still aren’t happy with your skin

• You are looking for easy ways to enhance your appearance and improve your self-esteem

Individual chapters include a comprehensive overview of each of “The 7 Ways:”

1. Sun Protection

2. Skin Care Products

3. Bioidentical Hormone Balancing

4. Botox

5. Dermal Fillers

6. Cosmetic Lasers

7. Anti-Aging Lifestyle Choices

“7 Ways To Look Younger Without Undergoing ‘The Knife'” is now available at Sam Weller’s and King’s English Bookstores and at Dr. Jepson’s office.

It can also be order by phone at (801) 281-0022 or online at

Dr. Steven Jepson, M.D.

The Utah Dermatologic & Medical Procedures Clinic

154 E. Myrtle Ave (5065 S) #102

Murray, Utah

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