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Easy Answers About Dental Implants

Dr. Richard Austin is with Gateway Dental Arts and is one of the pioneers in this new technology.

What are dental implants?
Dental implants look just like natural teeth. They serve as permanent replacements for dentures or a bridge. Dental implants can permanently replace a single tooth or multiple missing teeth.
Why should I consider dental implants?
Dental implants are stable and comfortable. There are no loose parts to worry about losing and no creams or adhesives. Dental implants last a lifetime and are like having your original teeth back.
Do they work for everyone?
With our Nobel Biocare technology, we have a success rate of nearly 95 percent.
How much do dental implants cost?
The cost depends on the number of teeth being replaced and the number of implants required to support your replacement teeth. New advances make implants surprisingly affordable.

How will dental implants affect my life?
Dental implants look, feel and function like natural teeth. You can eat and drink whatever you choose. People who have felt embarrassed and worried because of their teeth are often overwhelmed by what new permanent teeth do for their self-esteem.
How long does the procedure take?
Today, our state-of-the-art process allows you to get dental implants in just one or two visits. It’s amazing when you consider that the old, conventional process took from three to six months.
Is the treatment painful?
With any surgery, there can be some discomfort. However, most patients report they were more comfortable than they had anticipated. If you prefer, we can prescribe medication to help you snooze through the entire procedure.
Who can qualify for implants?
If you’re healthy enough to have a tooth extracted, you’re probably healthy enough to get dental implants. It’s never too late to get your smile back.
How will I feel after the treatment?
While it’s normal to have some bruising and swelling in the gums, you should be able to work the next day.
How do I care for my dental implants?
Just like your natural teeth, you should brush and floss regularly—and smile often!

To learn more, you can contact Dr Austin at Gateway Dental Arts.
Gateway Dental Arts
Your Cosmetic Dental Implant Center
440 West 200 South, Suite 275 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
Call 801-321-7600 or visit us at

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