What is the secret behind the flawless, seamless, makeup look of
celebrities? It’s not that they all have perfect skin like Jennifer Lopez. It’s
the magic in the makeup they wear. The time when this technology was
only for makeup artists and celebrities is over. Now with airbrush makeup
machines you can have a professionally done look easily, without the help
of a makeup professional.
So why choose Airbrush makeup?
Airbrush make-up is a method of applying make-up that is more precise,
more natural looking, and more long lasting that traditional powder or
liquid make-up. Airbrush make-up can last upwards of of 12 – 24 hours
before it begins to fade or smear.
On What parts of the face can you apply airbrush make-up?
Airbrush make-up can be applied for your foundation (reference the video
showing blemishes being covered up), eyes, lips, cheeks, and brows.
Basically everything other than your mascara.
When would somebody want air-brush make-up as opposed to traditional
make-up application?
Airbrush is still mostly a special event type application, but it is very
popular for those big events that require long wear and close ups. So
proms, weddings, fashion, photography and of course any kind of media
like movies and television.
So why would somebody want to become an airbrush make-up artist?
Airbrush makeup has become more popular with the advent of high-
definition video and television (HD). Traditional powder or liquid based
make-up can settle and appear in pores and wrinkles and be visible on HD
film. It’s also now a very popular service provided by salons and spas that
cater to brides or special events. Airbrush make-up artists are in high
demand here in UT because we have such a thriving entertainment
industry, but it also opens you up for careers outside of UT in industries
like Miami, LA and New York.
Special Offer:
$250 OFF
Professional Airbrush Artistry Course
Next Courses offered: May 18th, 19th & 20th.
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