Autumn Harvest Pasta Sauce

Autumn Harvest Pasta Sauce
3 T olive oil
2 cloves garlic, sliced
2 shallots, peeled, sliced
2 red bell peppers, Chopped (try yellow and orange peppers, delicious!)
2 yellow tomatoes, rough-chopped (red tomatoes or other varieties are fine)
1 yellow squash, sliced
Salt and pepper to taste

Pasta of choice cooked according to package direction.

Parmesan cheese, grated of slivered

1) Heat olive oil in sauté pan. Saute garlic and shallots for approximately 3 minutes. Add peppers, tomatoes and squash. Season with salt and pepper. Cook for approximately 15 minutes or until squash is tender.

2) Pour over cooked pasta and top with Parmesan cheese.

*For a cream sauce, add 1 cup heavy cream or half and half while pureeing.

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