Before You Go Brunette…

It’s that time of year when women want to trade in their bright summer blonde hair for something a little darker. It’s a big change – so what should you consider before you go brunette?

Stylist Brandi Holdaway with Salon O shares three things to think about.

Once you make up your mind, and decide you want to go dark are clearly ready for a big change – so the best thing is just to do it! Most the time that middle “in between” color is just blah. When you go darker, you want that rich, shinny color and you don’t really achieve that if you decide to go darker in steps. Most the time people will try to ease into it, and go just slightly darker. It’s my experience, women usually are not satisfied with that color, so they give up on the brunette idea altogether. I say: go big or go home!

Here are three things to know or think about before you go brunette:

1. How long are you going to want to stay dark? Putting dark over blonde is easy, but going back blonde is the tricky part. So if you decide to go dark, you need to be willing to make the commitment.

2 What is your natural color? If your hair is naturally lighter, it’s going to look a little different. Plus, once your roots grow out, you could feel like you are balding or have grey hair because of the contrast next to the dark.

3. Think about the maintenance. Going light to dark takes a few applications. It’s going to fade until you get enough pigment in your hair to stay that perfect shinny color that you want.

One note to remember: Blonde is about the brightness of hair, and brunette is all about the shine of hair.

To schedule an appointment with Brandi, contact:
Salon O
815 East 400 South
Salt Lake City
(801) 746-1010

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