There is help for children that are struggling with developmental disorders.
Dr. Robert Melillo, best selling author and co-founder of Brain Balance, shares a popular option to consider.
Join Brain Balance as they celebrate the Grand Opening of Brain Balance of Pleasant Grove!
Be excited for rides, face painting and more. Plus, visit their newest location and learn about how Brain Balance can help your child!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Free admission.
Brain Balance of Pleasant Grove
985 West State Road, #101 • Pleasant Grove
October 8 Educational Presentation –
Free Lecture for Parents and Educators of Children with Social, Behavioral other Learning Challenges – Featuring Author and Brain Balance® Co-Founder Dr. Robert Melillo
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Free admission. Space is limited.
UVU Ragan Theatre
800 West University Parkway • Orem
Special one-night-only event with Dr. Robert Melillo, the author of the
bestselling book Disconnected Kids, leading expert in children’s neurobehavioral disorders, and co-founder of The Brain Balance Program®, a comprehensive, drug-free program now available in three locations in Utah.
Dr. Melillo’s lecture will address the questions of why so many children struggle with social, academic and behavioral issues and what is happening in their brains that causes these behaviors.
For more information:
(801) 899-4949
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