If you are doing planks or sit-ups to get your core back after a baby, you may want to re-think your exercises. Celeste explains why specifically training the inner core muscles should come first to help a mom get her full core strength, shape and function back.
After training moms in various health & fitness settings, Celeste noticed a common theme. Many were doing the wrong exercises during and after pregnancy, most had been given the wrong advice (such as do crunches) and many had significant core weakness issues even though they were avid exercisers. The problem? The inner core muscles were not very strong even though other muscles were. Moms still had a weak stretched out inner core and many were dealing with abdominal separation, hip instability, ab, back, pelvic floor, and postural weakness. Typical gym exercises do not strengthen the inner core properly. Celeste was then inspired to develop a total core reconditioning program called ReCORE.
Besides doing the right exercises, Celeste knew from her education and training that proper belly support could help a mom stay active, reduce pregnancy pains and splint the abs together post-partum. After being disappointed in the choices out there, Celeste developed the Maternity and Post-Natal FITsplint, a unique 2 strap support with versatility, comfort and adjustability.
Celeste Goodson has a B.S. in Fitness and Wellness Management and has worked in physical therapy, cardiac rehab, coached high school X-C, and worked in several fitness and aquatic settings. In 2005, Celeste became certified through ACE as an Advanced Health and Fitness Specialist, certifying her to personal train Pre/Post Natal women and those with musculoskeletal, neuromuscular and metabolic conditions cleared by a physician. Celeste and her husband have 3 of their own and she enjoys, running, triathlons and spending time with family. Find more about ReCORE and the FITsplint at www.mombodfitness.com
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