Cucumber Tea Sandwiches

Cucumber sandwiches are the perfect addition to a spring bridal shower, or even for a kids impromptu playtime party.

Mandy Merriman shares her recipe for pretty cucumber sandwiches.
Cucumber Tea Sandwiches
2 whole medium cucumbers
4 oz cream cheese
1 t minced chives
1/2 t fresh lemon zest
salt & pepper to taste
4-6 slices soft white bread

Remove both ends of the cucumber. With a veggie peeler or mandolin, slice the cucumber into long, thin slices (about 1/16 an inch thin, enough to see through it completely). In a small bowl, mix together the cream cheese, chives, lemon zest, and salt & pepper to taste. Working one slice of bread at a time, thinly spread on enough of the zested cream mixture to cover the surface. Add one slice of cucumber diagonally to the corner of the bread. Repeat, matching up the green ends together or slightly overlapping. Repeat until the entire surface is covered. Lightly press down on the cucumber layers to make sure they stick to the bread. Cut off crusts with a sharp knife, and discard (or snack on them.) Slice into neat squares. Store in an airtight container in the fridge immediately until serving. Repeat all the assembly steps with the rest of the bread. Serve cold & enjoy!