You have the Halloween costume photos… why not display them?
You’re already taking photos of your kids in their Halloween costumes every year, so don’t just let those memories just sit and take up space on your phone. Turn them into priceless collections you can pull out year after year to display as Halloween decor.
Creative Editor Jill Broadbent shares a few ideas she’s created for making the printed photos a part of her Halloween home.
Using photos as part of your décor allows you to relive memories year after year and reflect on those times as you surround yourself with photos on display.
Tree Branch Display
One option is a tree branch. Spray paint it black, you can even add a glitter spray paint, and use it to house your Halloween ornaments. You can make the ornaments in any fashion. Printed photos glued together and hung from a string is a simple option that keeps the focus on the photos.
Wooden Ornaments
Another option is wooden Christmas ornaments. You can cover them in Halloween papers and add the photos to the frame. Embellish with ribbons to make them extra festive.
Plastic Ornaments
A third ornament option is plastic Christmas ornaments. These are made for photos and you simply open and insert the photo. Add sequins or other fun sprinkles to make the ornaments interactive and fun to create.
Mantel Photos
You can add photos to frames on your mantel, in a banner, or even print a mini album with your favorite costumes over the years. Find unique ways to add the personal touch and physical reminder to your holiday décor.
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