Enlarged Wall Decor


Take decor to a larger level by creating giant art out of everyday small objects found around your home.

Studio 5 Contributor Jennifer Heslop shares how.

· Original idea found on www.scjohnson.com

• First scan or photograph an object. Flat items work best.

• Once scanned or photographed, enlarge your image as much as possible on your computer or on a color copier and print to a letter-size sheet. If you plan to display your enlarged items together, scale them up at the same rate to keep the illusion most believable.

• Print the images and adhere them to a lightweight, but thick surface such as cardboard, matte board or foam-core board. Spray adhesive works great, but a very thin coat of white glue will work fine.

• Once dry, carefully trim out the image along its shape with a sharp craft knife over a well protected surface. To simulate perforated edges on my giant raffle ticket, I used my standard office hole punch tool along the cut ends.

• You can give your piece a shine with a spray coat of clear enamel if you choose.

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