family dinner

Make family dinner an event! 4 simple ways to make it doable and meaningful

Bring back family dinner!

Life is busy. Our schedules have us running in different directions all day long. Finding time to fit in a family dinner gathered around the table can get tricky, but many of us want to make it happen!

Michelle Hinckley shared ways to make your family dinner more doable, meaningful, and memorable.


Michelle said, “Family dinner is a practice that has become more of a novelty and one we need to reconsider making a priority. As my kids are growing up and leaving the nest I’m realizing just how precious and important finding time each day to connect with them is. This is hard as everyone is busier than ever and going several different directions. As a mom I’ve started the practice of prioritizing family dinner where we actually sit down together. It has given us opportunities for important conversations, downloading the day, lots of laughs, memory making, etc.”

Michelle’s first tip is to set the table first thing in the morning. This sets the intention for the day and also takes the stress out later as the day fills up.

Michelle also suggested being flexible on the time of dinner. Make it work for your schedule – even if that means you eat right after school or at 8pm after activities end. Its not about when you are together, it’s the act of being together that matters.

Michelle also gave us permission to keep the meal simple. Even take-out can be shared together at the table.

Michelle has had fun in the creative process of setting the table. She’s used her fine china collection more rather than saving it just for special occasions. She’s also started to thrift more dishes and table details, including using sheets as table clothes. She says the fun details are something her kids enjoy and help create memories around the table, creating space for meaningful conversations and bonding.

For more projects visit and @4men1ladyblog on Instagram.

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