With a world of fun fitness tools, you have no excuses to stop you from getting into shape.
Personal Trainer and owner of Evolve Fitness, Blake Robinson says now, more than ever technology is on our side.
1. Monitors/watches/digital trainers
-Basis Wrist Band Trainer, mybasis.com, $199
-Nike Fuel Band, store.nike.com, $149
2. Apps
-Zombies Run, zombiesrun.com
-My Fitness Pal, myfitnesspal.com, free
-Tempo Run, temporunapp.com, $2.99
3. Wii and X-box Games
-Wii Biggest Loser, Target, $18
-X-box, Nike Kinect Trainer, Target, $40
4. Vitual Training
-Evolve Fitness, evolvefitnessllc.com, 30min Group Training $15, 60min Group Training $20
5. Smart Scales
-Withings Scale, Brookestone, $150
-Fitbit Aria, Target, $130
6. Social Media
-gym pact
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