If you struggle with low energy or inability to lose weight, the solution
might not be to just grab another Diet Coke, but instead explore medical
problems. Often, someone with similar symptoms can suffer from low
thyroid, and there are options.
Dr. Joshua Redd is a Chiropractic Physician who specializes in treating
people with low thyroid and he explains the process.
If you are suffering from any of the signs or symptoms below, what you are
about to read
will most likely change your quality of life… forever.
Low Thyroid Symptoms:
· Fatigue
· Increase in weight gain
· Morning headaches that wear off as the day progresses
· Depression
· Constipation
· Overly sensitive to cold weather
· Poor circulation and numbness in hands and feet
· Require excessive amount of sleep to function properly
· Chronic digestive problems
· Itchy, dry skin
· Wounds heal slowly
· Poor immune function
Low Thyroid Signs:
· Dry or brittle hair
· Hair falls out easily
· Dry skin
· Swelling
· Loss of outside portion of eyebrows
Why am I still suffering from some of the symptoms above?
When someone is suffering from the signs or symptoms listed above the
Doctor will usually run a TSH and that’s it. If the TSH comes back
increased, then their treatment is limited to a hormone replacement. The
problem with that is, the thyroid is usually never the main problem that is
causing the high TSH, it’s usually an endocrine imbalance going on
somewhere else in the body that is the main driving force. That is why
these patients continue to decline or feel no improvement with that type of
management, because nothing is being done to treat the actual cause of
their condition!!! I have made a list of some of the many things that can
cause an increased TSH in your body.
1. Anterior Pituitary Hypo-function
2. Increased thyroid binding proteins
3. Over-conversion of T3 leading to resistance
4. Under-conversion of T4 to T3
5. Nutrient Deficiency
6. Hashimoto’s Disease – The number one cause of low thyroid!!!!!
Here is a list of the other markers that are important to run in order to
properly diagnose your thyroid.
1. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
2. Total T4 (TT4)
3. Free T4 (FT4)
4. Free Thyroxine Index (FTI)
5. Resin T3 uptake (T3U)
6. Free T3 (FT3)
7. Reverse T3 (rT3)
8. TPO and Thyroglobulin Antibodies
The thyroid is a very complex organ and has many different metabolic
functions. It requires a 3 step process for diagnosing and managing a
patient, which I have listed below:
1. You must know what tests to run.
2. You must know how to analyze those tests.
3. You must know how to build a treatment plan for each individual to fit
their specific needs.
If you only know how to do 2 of the 3, the patient is going to continue with
their troubles. Remember, everyone is uniquely different from one another
and could have a totally different problem. It is very important to make
each treatment plan very personalized to address each individual’s specific
The number one cause of low thyroid in America – Hashimoto’s
The number one cause of low thyroid is an autoimmune disease. It is an
autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid, which if not treated properly,
can lead to other serious autoimmune diseases. Don’t you think this
information could change the course of your care a little?!!!!!!!! To properly
manage these patients you must do detailed medical testing to figure out
how to dampen their immune system… since it’s not even a thyroid
problem, it’s an autoimmune problem! This is also why patients may have
a normal TSH but still feel terrible!!! Their immune response is still raging
throughout their entire body.
How is your approach different?
We do detailed medical testing to figure out what is causing the thyroid
problem. For example, with Hashimoto’s Disease a patient could have 7-
10 different triggers, ranging from cortisol/hormonal defects that need to
be restored to something as simple as dietary and lifestyle changes. It is
usually these triggers that we need to go in and find (Specific to each
patient) and then work to eliminate. By eliminating all the possible
triggers, we can finally tame this autoimmune disease and then your
symptoms associated with this disease will dramatically improve. A typical
patient will go from having 0-5 good days out of the month to 20-25 good
days out of the month. Now, you can’t cure the autoimmune disease, but
you can find the triggers and manage the disease better so it doesn’t
continue to destroy the tissue of the thyroid at a rapid pace. We will,
throughout our program, educate each patient and teach them what they
should do and should not do. We do not guess! Your standard physician
or alternative physician might do a basic test and then guess what your
treatment will consist of. By doing detailed medical testing through
comprehensive blood work, hormone panels, DNA tests, and other testing
pertinent to that individual patient, we can literally pin point their triggers.
Then the patient goes from being confused, frustrated, and hopeless to
being empowered and having more control over their disease by knowing
each trigger. If we find lifestyle and dietary triggers for that patient, then
they are going to have to make certain lifestyle changes. The patient can’t
just go through our program and then as soon as they are done, start
doing those couple of things we told them not to do. If they do that, they
will eventually go right back to square one. Sometimes lifestyle changes
can be difficult, but the changes are definitely worth it when your quality of
life can be restored.
10965 S River Front Parkway
South Jordan, UT 84095
Phone: 801-446-2822 fax: 801-416-1861
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