As we all try to get gardening, put an eye on your flower bed designs and see if you might like more perennials that just keep giving and growing every year.
Cynthia Bee shares how to plan for and pair those perennials.
All-stars are perennials which bloom MOST of the season. Here is a few of our favorites:
Sundancer Daisy
“Coral Canyon” Diascia
“Moonbeam” Coreopsis
Season Spanners are long-blooming perennials that will provide consistent color for 6-8 weeks.
Early Spring- Rockcress (variegated leaf is the best)
Mid-Spring- “May Night” Salvia or other in the same family
Summer- Gaillardia
Fall- “Xenox” Upright Sedum
Foliage Stars-colorful foliage is the designers secret for creating non-stop color. Some foliage favorites include:
Variegated Rockcress
“Lemon Fizz” Santolina
“Dark Towers” Penstemon
Partridge Feather
“Southern Comfort” Heuchera
Fillers- if the above three types of perennials are included, fill in with whatever your heart desires. Fillers may include ornamental grasses and groundcovers as well as perennials.
Here are some perennials combinations that work well together:
Dry Shade- “Burning Heart” Bleeding Heart + “Fire Alarm” + “Silver Bouquet” Pulmonaria
Full Sun- “Golden Jubilee” Hyssop + “Dark Towers” Penstemon + Salvia
Native (super waterwise)- Tufted Evening Primrose + Sundancer Daisy + Silver Sage
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