creative play - coloring page

Kids play… adults should play too! 5 ways to bring creative play into your life

Creative play can boost your mood!

Play. It’s something we want for our children, daily. We are always creating ways to allow them to get outside, away from screens and have fun. Why then, do we not prioritize play as adults?

Rhonna Farrer says there are benefits to making a habit of creative play as adults.


Rhonna states that creative play is proven to lower stress, elevate our mood, and actually help us be more productive in our daily tasks. CNN Health News recently shared studies that support this. When we engage in some kind of creative play once a month – like picking up a coloring book – it can extend your life by up to 10 years.

Rhonna shared suggestions for finding out how to make play work for you.

1. What is your “play?”

Find something that you loved doing as a child.

2. How do you know?

When you lose track of time because you’re having so much fun… THAT is your play.

3. No fail

Remember: you can’t fail with creative play.

4. Make Time

Give yourself permission to play and make time.

5. Let go

Set yourself up for success.

Coloring books for adults have become one of the best ways to calm your mind, lower your stress, and learn to be mindful while having fun.

Rhonna recently released a coloring book that has mindful practices on each page to assist in learning to become calm, connected, and rest your body, mind, and soul. Find more from Rhonna at and @rhonnadesignsofficial on Instagram.

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