Luck is on your side for St. Patrick’s Day holiday, because a small bit of cheer
goes a long way. We make it easy to be the best mom on the block with
bright and simple St. Patrick’s Day flair.
Emily Hover with Pioneer Party says an Irish celebration starts with gold and
First, a couple of super easy ideas to make your home more festive. Whether
you want to host a St. Patricks play date, or just to get in the holiday spirit…
1. Potted Paper Flowers (a scrapbook paper folded accordion style to make
a circle. Add a gold coin center and a ribbon and you’re done!
2. LUCKY banner. LESS THAN $3.00 AND 5 MINUTES!! Made out of brown
paper sacks (or kraft paper), a strand of ribbon, and 5 letters printed from
your computer.
3. Green candy jars: Try and do something different, fill up the jar with
boxes of green candy, instead of open candy pieces.
4. A fun day of TREASURE HUNTING – poems and tags and treats. We’ve
planned out a simple treasure hunt for you! The first “clue” is found in the
morning of the 17th and reads,
Lucky, lucky, lucky me
I get to play tricks all day you see-
So look in the fridge after school
There you might find a treat that’s cool!
We’ve got the tags and the treats all ready to go to make it EASY for you!
5. Leprechaun Playing Tricks and Leaving Shoes…? Haha! So I’ll have to
explain this one. You have a group of kids (your own or in a classroom).
They show up to class or come home from school… and “the leprechaun” has
turned chairs upside down, turned signs or frames upside down, left
footprints (use the side of your hand and then your finger prints 3-4 times),
unrolled paper towels, messed up papers, etc. Also a pair of GREEN SPARKLY
SHOES are left somewhere in the classroom along with a note is left that
reads something like this…
“Happy St. Patricks Day Kids! I sure had fun playing in your classroom
(living room) last night! It looks like you do a lot of fun things here at your
school. I need some help… while I was laughing and playing in your
classroom (or living room), I lost my shoes! If you could please help me find
them I would surely leave you some of my gold!! Thanks kiddos. Don’t
forget to have a fun St. Patrick’s Day! Love, Lucky the Leprechaun”
So… then you pretend you hear something in the other room and have the
kids run out to try and “catch” the leprechaun. While the kids are away
someone else has to take the shoes (and hide them), and leave a bunch of
GOLD in their place! Gold chocolate coins, gold bubble gum, Rolos, gold
treasure nuggets, plastic gold coins, gold necklaces are just a few ideas.
Now sit back and watch the kids be SO EXCITED!! They will think that the
leprechaun has indeed JUST been there, and they ALMOST caught him! It will
be something fun to do each year…
6. Pin the Gold at the End of the Rainbow: A large poster of a rainbow and
a pot of gold… ( a March version of pin the tail on the donkey). DARLING!!
7. Lucky Pot of Gold: Every player gets a Pot of Gold printout and 6 golden
coins (chocolate or plastic). Take turns rolling the dice… if you get a “1” then
you cover the “1” on your playing card with a coin. The first player to fill up
the Pot of Gold is the winner.
GREEN GIFTS to brighten someone else’s day!
8. Lucky Me… A whole line of gift bags ready to go, all starting with the
phrase, “Lucky Me…” Examples would be “Lucky Me… to have a husband
like you!” or “Lucky Me… to have a Grandma like you!” One of our
employees is having hers say “Lucky You… to have a MOM LIKE ME!” Funny
9. Not Lucky… Blessed. A darling phrase to either frame for your house,
or give away as a gift tag. If using for a gift, add “to have you in my life” at
the bottom, making it more personal.
10. Four leaf Clover Friend: This little saying can be attached to anything,
and given to a good friend. “A good friend is like a four leaf clover – hard to
find, and lucky to have!”
Visit our store for more GREEN GIFTS and ideas.
154 West Main Street, Lehi 801-768-3549
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