Our “Let it Go” challenge has tackled several things to let go. One obstacle many of us encounter is clutter.
Professional Organizer Leanne Jacobs walks us through the steps to let clutter go.
Letting Go Of Clutter Is A Process
1- Start with realizing we are not what we have. Things don’t define us.
2- Holding onto things can keep us in the past and keep us from moving forward.
3- It’s the memory of the event or of the person, not the thing.
4- If you want more time you need less things.
5- How does your home make you feel? How does it look in your head?
Steps To Letting Go
1- Make a list of things you want to do but haven’t been able to because of clutter. It takes up space in your mind too.
2- Envision your home in your mind.
3- Go through your home room by room- space by space. Ask yourself if things are adding value to your life.
4- It doesn’t have to be overwhelming and you don’t have to do it by yourself. Enlist the help of a friend or family member.
5- Give items to someone who needs, will enjoy, and will use the items that are just taking up space in your home.
Now it’s time to get tackling that clutter.
Start with 4 containers labeled: Return to Owner, Donate/or Yard sale, Belongs in Another Room, and Garbage.
· * Begin with large items and things that are out in the open. It will help you see your progress faster.
· * Schedule 15-30 minutes a day 4-5 days a week. You’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish in that amount of time.
· * If you haven’t used an item in the last year you can probably get rid of it. You’re not using it and it’s only taking up valuable space.
· * Take Another Room box around your home and place things where they belong instantly, return borrowed items and donation boxes once a week as you’re going through the process.
10-10-10 Challenge:
10 Items to donate
10 Items to toss
10 Items to return to their proper place
You can learn more on how to organize and decorate everything at Leanne’s blog, http://organizeyourstuffnow.com/
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