Manwill Plumbing and Heating: Fall Furnace Tune-up

Don’t wait for the cold weather to hit. Schedule a home furnace tune-up now.

Winter is right around the corner, and you know what that means. It’s time to schedule a furnace tune-up. Jim Manwill, owner of Manwill Plumbing and Heating, explains why it is so important to perform regular tune-ups and maintenance on our furnaces to keep them operating as efficiently as possible.

“We definitely recommend having tune-ups performed regularly because it can add years to the life of your furnace,” says Manwill. “Plus, it can also prevent problems from occurring in the future and save you a lot of money in the process. Our service technicians perform a full checklist of items during a tune-up to ensure that our clients’ furnaces are functioning properly.”

Manwill went on to explain that a new law coming out in 2013 will require all furnaces to be 90 percent efficiency or higher.

“Once this law comes out in 2013, our service technicians will be required to recommend a 90 percent efficiency furnace or higher to all of our clients who are in need of a new furnace, even if it is not necessary for the home they are living in,” says Manwill. “For example, if you live in a condo or townhouse, you most likely wouldn’t be in need of a 90 percent efficiency furnace due to shared walls and that sort of thing. But we will still be required to make that recommendation to remain in compliance with this new law. So if you are thinking that you might need a new furnace, it would be a good idea to call Manwill and have us come out before this new law takes effect in less than four months.”

According to Manwill, the difference between 80 percent efficiency furnaces and 90 percent efficiency furnaces is that 90 percent efficiency furnaces are more efficient and cost less to operate. However, 90 percent efficiency furnaces have a higher purchase price as well.

Manwill Plumbing and Heating is currently offering furnace tune-ups for $69 for Studio 5 viewers! Just mention that you saw them on Studio 5. For more information on Manwill Plumbing and Heating, call (801)262-4671 or visit

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