21 oz. Milk Chocolate
10.5 oz. Green Chocolate
Peppermint Oil (not extract): 7 drops per layer
Orange Oil: 10 drops per layer
Almond Oil: 7 drops per layer
3 oven safe bowls for melting chocolate
Wax paper
Jelly-roll pan
Rubber spatula
Sharp paring knife
Yard stick or T-Square
If you want to order chocolate or oils, call Deb Mangum at 801-569-0722.
Melting Instructions:
Oven: Put oven temperature on very lowest setting (150 to 170 degrees). Put 10.5 oz. of chocolate (one bag) in each bowl. Put all three bowls of chocolate in oven until melted (20 minutes), then turn oven off.
Microwave: Melt one bowl at a time in 30-second intervals. Stir – don’t wait for chocolate to lose its form – it won’t.
Making of Mints:
Get ready: Tear off wax paper 2″ longer than the pan. Center it in your pan and crease it with your fingernail on all four sides so it lays flat in pan. Place small dabs of chocolate under each corner to hold wax paper down.
Layering chocolate: Take one bowl of melted chocolate (10.5 oz.). Add proper amount of oil and stir. Spread evenly on wax paper in pan. Vibrate pan on cupboard to make smooth and remove air bubbles. Let stand until chocolate loses its shine or glossy look. Repeat whole process with green layer and top chocolate layer. As soon as the top layer has lost its shine, it’s ready to cut.
Cutting your mints: In order for your mints to look nice in a box, you must take your time when cutting, and make sure they are as exact in size as possible. Mark pan 1 ½” on the long side of the pan and 1 3/8″ on the short side. For straighter cutting use a marked T-square. Use a glove when boxing mints to prevent fingerprints.
Helpful Hints:
1. Work quickly. A smooth layer is crated by how quickly you spread it on the pan and shake it down while it is still warm.
2. Don’t overwork the chocolate. The less you work it, the smoother it will be. Once it is spread, shake the pan and leave it to set-up.
3. Before you cut your mints, gently pick up each end of wax paper to loosen the dabs of chocolate holding the wax paper down. Your mints won’t stick in those places if you do.
4. If you wait too long between adding each layer of chocolate, the layers won’t bond. If this happens, place pan in 150 degree oven to re-warm chocolate, (or blow with a warm hair-dryer). Let it sit on counter until shine is gone and then continue.
5. If you heat your last layer a little bit warmer, it will make your mints smoother.
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