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Mom guilt is universal. Refocus your priorities by asking yourself 7 questions

Every mother experiences mom guilt.

Replace your mom guilt with more productive and positive thinking by ending your day with reflection.

Julie Taylor believes that peace in motherhood comes when we align our values and priorities. She shares questions to ask ourselves that will help us find that daily peace and confidence we want as mothers.

You can find more advice from Julie on Instagram @thejulietaylor.


Ask Yourself These 7 Questions to Find More Peace

  1. What was your favorite moment with your kids today?
  2. How did you show up as a mom today that felt good or brought you peace or joy?
  3. Were your children’s basic human needs met today? Were yours?
  4. What sacrifices did you make today that felt meaningful?
  5. What did you prioritize today that aligned with your goals and values?
  6. What was your favorite way you showed love for your kids today?
  7. What’s something you love about your child/children?

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