Parenting Different Personalities

Best-selling authors, Richard and Linda Eyre, share strategies to help parents focus on the unique qualities of each child.

Each child has his or her own distinct personality. It is one reason parenting is the most difficult of all management challenges. (And the fact that it’s a little harder to give our kids a raise—or to fire—as we might be able to do in other management situations).

Each child is unique. One of the scariest moments of parenting happens when you have a second child and realize that all the things you thought you learned on the first one, won’t work on this one.

Here are two great methods to help parents focus on the unique qualities of each child:

1. The “Collected Letters to my Child”. Moms write an ongoing     letter over the years, to a specific child….adding observations     and experiences…. which will become a “book” to give the child     on his or her wedding day.

2. Family Experts Board. The “family experts board” is a simple     poster where each child’s gifts or attributes are     listed….encouraging children to be more pleased with their gifts     and less envious or jealous of the gifts of their siblings.

New York Times #1 Bestselling Authors Richard and Linda Eyre are the parents of nine children and, by coincidence, the authors of 9 internationally distributed parenting and life-balance books. They lecture throughout the world on family related topics, and are the founders of Visit the Eyres anytime at or

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