These group games just require supplies from your own cupboard!
Whether it’s a school party, a church gathering, or a family celebration, we are hooking you up with some really fun group games to take your party over the top.
No need for store-bought games. Maria Eckersley says all you really need is a stash of plastic cups and you’ve got everything you need to entertain a big group in a hurry.
Entertaining All Ages
Maria emphasized that these games are designed to entertain everyone from the littlest to the biggest, “All the way up to grandma and grandpa,” she said. She loves games where the grandkids and the grandma can play the same game and have the same chance of winning.
One of the main goals is to ease the burden on moms. “Just grab cups! That’s all you need,” Maria said. These games can be played as one-offs or as part of a larger event, like an ugly sweater party or a New Year’s party. The idea is to have fun and keep the night going with minimal effort.
1. Seek and Spin
Two large gift boxes are covered with pairs of matching gift bows. Two of the bows are selected to be the “coal.” Each bow is covered with a cup. Players take turns searching for a match. If they find a match, they keep the cups. If they uncover the “coal” bow, they don’t get to search for it’s match but they do get to rotate either box to confuse their opponents. The winner is the person with the most cups at the end.
2. Flip and Find
Gather five small candies of a certain color or shape for each player. Hide each one under a cup and shuffle the cups in the center of the table. Each player flips a separate cup on the edge of the table simultaneously. If they land the cup flip, they get to choose any cup and look underneath. If the candy is theirs, they keep it and the cup. If not, they replace the cup. The winner is the first person to find all five of their candies.
3. Pick the Pattern
4. Hungry, Hungry Reindeer
Players sit around the table. Each player has a solo cup on each hand and a bowl to catch their candy stash. When the one-minute timer begins, all players scramble to use their hooves to gather as much candy from the center and get it into their bowl.
5. Catch the Cup
Each player holds a solo cup in one hand. The moderator tosses another cup into the air. They bounce the airborne cup repeatedly until it nests itself inside the cup in their hand. If the airborne cup hits the ground, they pass it back to the moderator who tosses it again.
6. Ornament Hopper
Glue three plastic cups to the lid of a small gift box for each player. Place a plastic ornament in one of the cups. Each player holds their gift box and listens for directions from the moderator. The moderator calls out left, right, or center. Players fling their ornament into the air and then try to catch it in the correct cup. Play continues until their ornament drops. Each time they have to pick up the ornament and restart, they earn a strike. Three strikes and they’re out. The last player with an ornament in a cup wins.
For more creative ideas, you can find Maria on Instagram at @meckmomlife.
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