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The Positives of an Election Year: 3 bright spots to focus on this election season

Instead of the negatives, look at the positives this election year.

At its best, our country stands for equality, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. However, during election years, we often focus solely on our country’s faults because it seems like they’re on display.

Boyd Matheson, host of KSL News Radio’s Inside Sources, encouraged us to hold on to hope, highlighting the upsides of election seasons.


Hold On to Hope

Boyd reminded us that America is good, and emphasized the importance of hope. He acknowledged the current polarization and disagreements, but believes there are positives to an election cycle. He stated, “Hope is a virtue and hope can be developed,” urging us to be hopeful during election cycles as it unifies us.

Boyd explained, “What we choose to do together brings us together,” whether it’s working side by side at a soup kitchen or helping a neighbor. He believes that looking for ways to build community can give us all hope.

Elections Give Us the Opportunity to Ask Smart Questions

Boyd also discussed the importance of staying curious and understanding others’ perspectives during election years. He suggested that during election cycles, we should ask smart questions and dig deeper into candidates’ policies. He shared a lesson from a rabbi: “Who is wise? He who learns from all people. Who is strong? He who conquers his negative inclination. Who’s rich? Someone who’s happy with what they have. Who’s honorable? One who honors all mankind.” By evaluating candidates based on these principles, we can better understand their values and intentions.

Elections Give Us an Opportunity to Better Understand Our Friends and Neighbors

Boyd encouraged us to engage in respectful dialogue about politics and religion, as it helps us learn about others and ourselves. He advised, “Every month you ought to either go to lunch or grab a soda or go for a walk with someone who looks different, thinks different, believes different, lives different, worships different than you.”

Elections Give Us a Chance to Express Dissatisfaction and Share Our Values

Ultimately, Boyd believes that election cycles offer an opportunity to express our values and make a difference. He said, “The only vote that is ever thrown away is the one that is not cast.” By voting and engaging in meaningful conversations, we can drive change and build a more united community.

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