love reading - kid reading

Make reading an activity, not a chore! Help your kids love reading in 5 ways

Your kids can love reading as much as you do!

Cognitive development, improved focus, stronger sense of empathy. Those are just a few of the many benefits reading has for children. Parents know the perks, and they can do their part!

Mom and book reviewer Cheri Fries believes there are things you can do in the home that will encourage your children to pick up the book. Not because they have to, but because they want to.


Lead by Example

Children learn by mimicking what they see. To foster a love for reading, normalize it in your home. Let your children see you enjoying a book, having conversations about books with friends, and even hosting book clubs. This sets a positive example and shows them that reading is a valuable and enjoyable activity.

Meet Them Where They Are

At school, children focus on accuracy and fluency in reading. At home, your role is to help them find the fun and enjoyment in reading. This approach helps them associate reading with pleasure rather than just another task.

Create a Cozy Reading Spot

Designate a special, cozy spot for reading that is free from distractions like TV, siblings, phones, and iPads. Enhance the experience by offering their favorite drink or snack. A comfortable and inviting reading environment can make a big difference in how much they enjoy reading.

Let Them Choose Their Books

Allow your children to get excited about choosing what they want to read. Just as you enjoy picking out a new book, they will too. Make it a fun outing by suggesting a trip to the library or bookstore, plus a Swig run to follow. Even if they aren’t always enthusiastic, the key is to make the experience enjoyable and give them the freedom to choose.

Keep Reading a Positive Experience

Despite your best efforts, your children might not always get excited about reading, and that’s okay. The goal is to keep reading a positive experience. Avoid making it feel like a chore. Remember, you’re planting the right seeds, even if they don’t seem to be taking root right away.

Find more recommendations from Cheri on Instagram, @late.night.library.

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