1/4 pound bacon, chopped
3/4 cup butter
2 cups chopped celery
1 cup chopped onion
16 cups soft, stale bread cubes*
1-2 tablespoons rubbed sage, or poultry seasoning
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup dried cranberries, optional
1 cup chicken broth
Fry bacon until crisp. Remove from drippings and crumble, set aside.
Add butter to the drippings and melt; add chopped celery and onion; sauté until tender. Add half
the bread cubes to the butter stirring to coat. Continue to cook, stirring constantly, until bread
cubes are lightly browned and butter is absorbed. Combine with remaining bread, salt, pepper, and
sage. Toss with crumbled bacon and optional cranberries or other ingredients. Tossing, drizzle
with chicken broth until desired moistness is reached.
Immediately stuff bird and place in oven to roast. If baking as a side dish, place stuffing in a
buttered casserole bowl. Bake covered at 325 F for 30 minutes, uncover and bake 15 minutes
longer or until lightly browned on top.
* Approximately 2 (1 pound) loaves of bread. Stale, but not moldy bread works best. If bread is
not stale, place in the refrigerator overnight to help firm it up. For a nice taste try substituting corn
bread. Other ingredients such as water chestnuts, chopped giblets, pecans, chestnuts, raisins, etc
may be added for unique flavor.
(Recipe will be enough to stuff
approximately a 12-16 pound bird. Becky likes to increase the recipe and have enough stuffing left over
to have a casserole dish of baked stuffing on the side. Flavor of the stuffing will vary when cooked
in the bird. Vary ingredients and the type of bread used or the addition of other ingredients for nice
flavor variation.)
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