Summer of Service

Utah was recently ranked first in the nation for the number of young adults
who volunteer their time, and serve the community. The “Summer of
Service” program is an opportunity for teens to get recognized and record
their service hours.

Youth Commissioner Allie Dixon explains the details.

Between 2008 and 2010, the average national volunteer rate for young
adults was 21.9%
per year. During that same time frame, the average national for young
adults in Utah was
39.9%, ranking Utah first in the nation for young adult volunteering. The
Summer of Service
program is a way for youth to track their volunteer hours for a chance to
earn a Presidential
Service Award and possibly win lunch with the Lt. Governor.

Summer of Service is a way to keep track of your volunteer hours, and
earning a Presdential Service Award looks great on a resume. Volunteering
is a great way to learn new skills and build your resume

The Commission on Volunteers Website,, provides an
easy tracking system for logging your volunteer hours. Volunteering can be
done anywhere! There is no list of qualifying organizations and any
volunteer service will count towards you total hours. Volunteer at the food
bank, babysit for a neighbor or clean a park – all volunteer activities are

Go to to
register and begin logging your hours.
Remember that the official program doesn’t begin until June 1! Find
something you are passionate about and then get involved!

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