Taking Advantage of Your Local High School

Registered Dietitian Melanie Douglass has some great exercises to do while you go “back to school” for a workout.

Here are 10 great exercises you can do on a grassy field or open area:

Goal-Post Chest Press

Chest Press with Tubing is a good exercise for strengthening and toning your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. First, wrap an exercise tubing around a pole or any other secure, stationary object at about chest height. You want to stand so that you’re facing away from where you attached the tubing. Grasp one handle in each hand with your palms facing the floor, hold your hands to the sides of your chest, and keep your elbows high. Position the tubing so it`s resting on top of your arms. Now, slowly push your arms forward until they`re both fully extended in front of your chest, and then return your arms to the starting position. That`s one rep.

Goal-Post Back Row

Standing Rows are a good exercise for strengthening and toning your core, back, biceps, and shoulders. First, wrap the exercise tubing around a pole or any other secure, stationary object at about chest height. Grab one handle of the tubing in each hand. Fully extend both arms in front of you and hold your hands about 6 inches apart with your palms facing each other. Now, bend your arms and slowly pull your elbows back toward and slightly past your hips until your arms are bent at a 90 degree angle. Squeeze your shoulders back at the end of the motion, and then slowly extend your arms back to the starting position. That’s one rep.

Prisoner Squats

Prisoner Squats are a great exercise for building strength in your quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and inner and outer thighs. Stand up tall with your feet shoulder width apart. Put your hands on the back of your head with your elbows out wide like you’re under arrest. Now, push your hips back and squat down like you’re sitting down into a chair. Go down until your legs form a 90 degree angle, and then stand back up straight. When you reach the top of the motion, lift your heels off of the floor as high as you can and pull your elbows back and pinch your shoulder blades together. Then relax your shoulders and drop your heels back down to the floor. That’s one rep.

One-Legged Plank

Prone Iso Abs Planking is a good exercise for building strength, definition, and endurance in your core, with the main focus on the abdominals. Lie face down on your mat, resting on your elbows. Extend your legs straight behind you and balance on your elbows and toes. Tuck your chin to your chest, tighten your abs and lift your hips so that your body is perfectly straight. Keep your right leg straight, squeeze your right glute, and lift your right leg until it’s parallel to the floor. Hold this position. When finished, repeat this exercise with your left leg in the air.

Walking Lunge

Walking Lunge is a good exercise for building strength in your quads, glutes, and lower back. Stand up tall with your back straight your feet shoulder width apart. Now step forward on your right leg about 3 to 4 feet. Keep your back straight and slowly lower your left knee toward the floor until it’s about an inch above the ground. Then bring your left foot next to your right foot as you stand up straight. That’s one rep. Now repeat the motion by stepping your left leg forward.

Squat Thrust with Jump

Squat thrusts with a jump are great for strengthening your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. It’s an explosive plyometric exercise that helps improve power and sports performance. Stand up tall with your back straight and your feet shoulder width apart. Now, squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Keep your back straight and try not to lean forward too far. Now, shift your weight forward so that it’s over your hands. Jump up slightly off of your toes, and kick your legs straight back behind you so that you end up in a push up position with your hands lined up under your shoulders. Now, bring your feet back underneath you so that you’re once again in a squat position and then jump up as high as you can. Bring your knees up to your chest at the top of your jump, then quickly straighten your legs back under you and bend your knees as you land to absorb the impact. That’s one rep.

Shoulder Press

Shoulder Press is a good exercise for building strength and definition in your shoulders, upper chest, and triceps. Stand on the center of the exercise tubing with your left foot, and make sure it’s secure. Grab one handle of the tubing in each hand and stand up tall with your back straight. Step your right foot back two feet so that your stance is staggered and bend both knees slightly. Bring the handles up and touch them to the front of your shoulders with your palms facing forward. Now, keep your shoulders back and push both arms straight up over your head until they’re fully extended. Then slowly lower your arms back down to the starting position. That’s one rep.

Biceps Curl

Bicep curls are a great exercise for strengthening and toning your biceps. Stand on the center of the exercise tubing, and make sure it’s secure. Grab one handle of the tubing in each hand and stand up tall with your back straight. Hold your arms to your sides with your palms facing forward. Now, bend at your elbows, contract your biceps, and curl the handles up to your shoulders. Then, in a controlled manner lower them back to the starting position. That’s one rep. Make sure you fully extend your arms at the bottom of the motion.

Overhead Triceps Extension

Tricep extensions are a great exercise for building strength and definition in your triceps. Stand on the center of the exercise tubing, and make sure it`s secure. Grab one handle of the tubing in each hand and stand up tall with your back straight. Lift your arms above your head so that your upper arms are touching your ears and the tubing is positioned behind your back. Now, keep your upper arms steady, bend at your elbows, and slowly lower the handles behind your head until your arms are bent at a 90 degree angle. Then extend your arms back up to the starting position. That`s one rep.

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