Tattoo Removal – Rethinking Ink

Lynn McMillan, clinical nurse pratitioner with Inklifters, gives you what you need to know about tattoo removal.


My tattoo contains many colors. Can it be removed?

Most tattoos can be removed, but not all. InkLifters uses the most advanced tattoo removal technology available. Some colors may require more treatments, but can generally be removed. Certain colors or shades may not be removable; these include florescent colors, and some shades of pink, purple, yellow, and white.

How long will it take to remove my tattoo?

Tattoo removal generally requires 5 to 15 treatments spaced approximately 4-6 weeks apart. Factors affecting the number of treatments required include tattoo color(s), type of ink used, skin pigment, ink depth in the skin surface, and the immune system of the person receiving the treatment. Homemade tattoos generally react more quickly than professional tattoos.

I had my first treatment and my tattoo has not changed. Is this normal?

Yes. Occasionally tattoos may get darker after the first treatment. Every tattoo responds differently to the process. Treatments are only effective with multiple visits. Patience and diligence will result in optimum tattoo removal results.

I had a treatment last week and the treated area is healed. Can I return earlier than 4-6 weeks?
Treatments are spaced 4-6 weeks apart to allow your body’s immune system to expel the ink broken down by the laser. The surface of the skin will heal, but your immune system is still working to expel the broken down ink. Treating a tattoo more frequently than every 4-6 will not improve or expedite results, it will simply increase the cost.

Are there any physical limitations after treatment?

You should wait 24-48 hours before resuming vigorous activities. Avoid rubbing or scratching the treated area and minimize exposure to sun and tanning for the greater of seven days or until the treated area is healed. Try to protect the treated area(s) with SPF 30 sun block in-between treatments.

Will I bleed during the laser treatment?

Normally, a person will not bleed during treatment with the Medlite C6 laser system. Our laser should not break the skin during treatment. Beware of laser technology that breaks the skin and causes bleeding, it will greatly increase the chance of scarring.

Will the treatments scar my skin?

Using the Medlite C6 system scarring is unusual, but is possible with any medical procedure involving the skin. We use the safest laser technology available to minimize skin damage risk as much as possible. However, if you are predisposed to Keloids or scar easily, the chance of scarring or skin discoloration is increased. Following InkLifters post treatment care instructions will expedite the healing process and greatly reduce the chance of scarring and skin discoloration

Does it hurt?

Pain is subjective, everyone experiences pain differently. There is a minimal amount of discomfort involved in this procedure, similar to tattoo application.

As we treat the area, we cool the skin with our Zimmer Cryo 5 skin cooler. The Cryo 5 Skin Cooling Unit cools the room air to -32 degrees C. The air is then directed onto the tissue, to be treated, via a flexible treatment hose. The skin cooling system is designed for superficial aesthetic procedures. The Cryo 5 Cold Air Device is intended to minimize pain and thermal injury during laser treatment.

Unlike other cooling methods such as contact cooling, cryogen spray, or ice packs, the Cryo 5 can cool the epidermis before, during, and after laser energy is applied. This process makes the tattoo removal procedure as comfortable as possible. Additionally we offer numbing ointments and localized injections, as needed.

Our Staff

Our staff provides complimentary consultations. We specialize in laser tattoo removal and use the latest and most effective laser technology. InkLifters uses the Medlite C6 laser, the only YAG laser specifically designed for tattoo removal. All procedures are performed by licensed nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and physicians. Our providers will take the time to review your medical history and determine a plan of care.

How do I choose a clinic to remove my tattoo?

In choosing a clinic for tattoo removal we recommend you ask about the laser. Hair removal lasers, teeth whitening lasers, and other dermatological lasers can, in theory, be used for multiple purposes, but will not provide optimum results. These lasers may lighten a tattoo and may even remove some tattoos completely, but may require a larger number of treatments, may be more prone to cause bleeding and scarring, and generally provide inferior results. For your safety, comfort, and best results look for a clinic employing the Medlite C6 technology.

We also recommend choosing a clinic that specializes in tattoo removal. Some clinics act as one-stop shops for all cosmetic surgery needs. Ask questions and do research before choosing a tattoo removal provider. Your safety, comfort, and satisfaction are important.
Finally, find a clinic willing to educate you about the tattoo removal process. Never begin a cosmetic procedure without understanding the process, risks, and timeframe for optimum results.

How should I care for my tattoo before treatment?

You should avoid significant sun exposure and tanning for seven days prior to treatment. Clean the area and wear comfortable and loose fitting clothes.

How should I care for my tattoo after treatment?

Keep the area clean and dry. Avoid significant sun exposure and tanning for seven days after treatment. Ice the treated area(s) on and off for 24 hours after treatment and care for the treated area similar to that of a minor sunburn. Do not scratch or pick at the treated area. Use an SPF 30 sun block on the treated area in-between treatments to hydrate and protect the skin.


To learn more about tattoo removal, visit Inklifters at 7632 South Union Park Avenue, in Sandy, give them a call at (801) 569-2864 or at

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