A new clinic at Salt Lake Regional Medical Center specializes in treating chronic heartburn.
The Heartburn Care Center recognized the need for organized and effective services for the treatment of chronic heartburn by opening a new clinic at Salt Lake Regional Medical Center. The care center provides access to comprehensive treatment by utilizing a system that focuses on patient education and participation in treatment decisions. The process is streamlined by eliminating long waits between appointments and a physician specialist team that communicate together and supply unified care.
Identifying the three types of heartburn in order to gain relief
Everyone knows that pleasantly full feeling after a big Easter brunch, but for those who experience heartburn symptoms, that feeling can quickly turn sour. The pain, burning, and discomfort associated with heartburn is actually an irritation of the esophagus. The cause of heartburn lies in a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).
Many people experience heartburn, and although occasional symptoms are generally not serious, chronic heartburn – occurring nearly every day – can indicate other significant problems. Chronic heartburn left untreated can result in complications, some life threatening.
Three Types of Heartburn
Occasional: Heartburn symptoms that are infrequent and usually relieved through diet and lifestyle changes.
Chronic: Heartburn symptoms that occur frequently throughout the week with little to no relief from diet and lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medication.
Life threatening: Complications, such as damage to the esophagus and an increased risk for a pre-cancerous condition called “Barrett’s esophagus,” can result from lingering heartburn problems.
Heartburn treatment depends on the severity of symptoms and frequency in which they occur. Speak with a doctor if symptoms begin to interfere with a daily routine and relief is hard to find. When symptoms become severe and chronic or esophageal damage occurs, surgery may be the best and only option.
Occasional heartburn treatment:
– Avoid foods that can trigger reflux
– Eat smaller meals and avoiding meals before bed
– Antacids or other over-the-counter acid reducers and acid production blockers
Advanced options available:
– 24-hour pH Test
– Esophageal Manometry Test
– Nissen Surgical Procedure
– Non-surgical EsophyX Procedure
– Individualized Treatment
For more information about the Heartburn Care Center at Salt Lake Regional Medical Center, please call 866-431-WELL or visit saltlakeregional.com.
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