Today’s Recipe: Pot Roast Four Ways

Traditional Pot Roast
1 (5lb) boneless beef chuck roast
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
4 carrots, chopped
2 onions, chopped
4 stalks celery, chopped
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 cups red wine, such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Pinot Noir, (you can substitute the wine
with white or red grape juice, Spicy or Regular V-8 juice, or use a combination of chicken
and beef stock)
32 oz canned stewed tomatoes, included the juice
16 oz beef stock
2 tsp thyme
1 tsp rosemary
Additional flour for vegetable sauce
3 Tbl butter

Pat beef dry with a paper towel. Season a Tbl or 2 of flour with salt and pepper and rub
onto roast coating all side and ends. Heat 1 Tbl olive oil in large Dutch oven over medium
heat. When hot and the roast and sear for 4 minutes per side or until nicely browned. Turn
and sear on all sides including ends. Remove roast to a large plate.

Add 2 more Tbl olive oil to the Dutch oven. Add the carrots, onion and celery and garlic;
season with salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally,
until tender. Add the wine, tomatoes and beef stock; season again with salt and pepper,
add the thyme and rosemary. Cover with lid and heat to a boil. Place in a 350 degree oven
for approx.. 3 hours.

Remove roast from Dutch oven to cutting board, tent with foil and let rest 15 minutes. Skim
off as much fat as possible from pan sauce, pour sauce and all the vegetables into a large
food processor, blend until smooth. Meanwhile, melt butter in bottom of pan add flour and
cook for several minutes, add sauce back to pan with the roux mixture; heat to simmer,
stirring until thickened. Taste for seasonings and adjust. Slice roast and serve with the
vegetable sauce.

Fennel Pot Roast

For the Fennel Pot Roast follow the recipe above for the traditional pot roast except
exchange the celery for 2 medium fennel bulbs chopped, replace the red wine with 1 cup
sherry, and increase the beef broth to 32 oz. (You can substitute the sherry with white or
red grape juice, Spicy or Regular V-8 juice, or use a combination of chicken and beef stock)
Do not blend the vegetables for the sauce but rather spoon the chunky vegetable mixture
over the meat.

Spicy Pot Roast with Adobo Sauce

For the Spicy Pot Roast with Adobo Sauce follow the recipe above for the traditional pot
roast except do not add the rosemary and thyme. Add 2 Anaheim chilies chopped, 1
jalapeño minced, and 3 Tbl Adobo sauce along with the carrots, onions and celery.
Exchange the diced stewed tomatoes for Mexican flavored diced stewed tomatoes and
eliminate the wine all together. Do not blend the vegetables for the sauce but rather spoon
the spicy chilies over the meat.

Porcini Mushroom Pot Roast

For Porcini Mushroom Pot Roast eliminate the carrots and celery, reduce wine to 1 cup, (you
can substitute the wine with white or red grape juice, Spicy or Regular V-8 juice, or use a
combination of chicken and beef stock) add ½ oz dried porcini mushrooms when adding
the diced tomatoes; no need to blend the sauce; just spoon porcini mushroom and pan
sauce over meat.

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