Utah State Fair: Floriculture at its Finest:

Utah State Fair Floriculture winner Laury Hickman shows how to make just about any plant look spectacular.


Here are some tips on how to create beautiful floral arrangements and make them last:

1) Start arrangements with greenery first. Use such greens as mints or bushes.

2) Cut flowers early in the morning or after 4 PM. The sugar content is higher and provides food for the plant. That’s why bees come out early in the morning or later in the day … to grab the sugar from the plant. Heat stresses plants so don’t cut in the middle of the day.

3) “Condition” flowers after cutting by placing in a cool dark place to absorb water and give the plant a chance to “drink”. This drink sustains the plant for a longer period of time.

4) Strip leaves below the water level in your vase. This striping avoids rotting of the leaves and stem, which forms bacteria. This bacteria causes the water to become murky and clogs the stems. Water then doesn’t move up to the flower.

5) Cut stems at ang angle. This allows more surface area for water to enter the plant. Avoid cutting stems flat. This flat stem lies flat on the bottom of the vase and doesn’t allow adequate water to go up the stem.

6) Make homemade preservative to add to the plant. This is made by combining one gallon of water with 1/4 teaspoon of bleach and 1 tablespoon sugar. You can also add two capfuls of peroxide.

7) Change water in vase every 2-3 days so bacteria don’t grow.

Visit the horticulture building at the Utah State Fair September 6 – 16 and enjoy the floriculture exhibits. The fair has other great exhibits, entertainment, food and booths and so much more and on opening day, everyone over 5 can get in for only $2. “Fill Up on Fun” and go to the fair.


For more information, go to the website at www.utahstatefair.com or call (801) 538-FAIR

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