You Want Him to Dress Like You: How to Meet in the Middle

You Want Him to Dress Like You: How to Meet in the Middle

Let’s face it. The word “fashion” can intimidate any guy. And when we suggest “trend” or “style” or even “shopping” most guys begin to look for the mute button. Though you may feel you are watching completely different channels, there is a common ground.

Studio 5 Beauty & Style Contributor Holly Stone answers “her” style questions for “him,” and helps us all meet in the middle.

Let’s face it. The word “fashion” can intimidate any guy. And when we suggest “trend” or “style” or even “shopping” most guys begin to look for the mute button. Though you may feel you are watching completely different channels, there is a common ground. Don’t try to tune the channel. Simply fine-tune the messages coming from the channel.

The message? This is NOT about fashion. It is about IMAGE. How he looks communicates. Help him to understand this and you are half-way there. But remember, you are not his mother, you are not his boss. But he is YOUR man. You are a partnership. This is about working together. Not inserting your own agenda. Or style for that matter. But you do have power in persuasion. Once you know MORE about why he chooses the clothes he does.

We are creatures of habit. Maybe he puts on what he has accumulated through the years. Maybe of all the things he “manages” in his life, getting dressed is something he doesn’t want to think about. Maybe paying rent is more important than a nice pair of jeans. He is smart. But his old jeans don’t say that. Ah ha! The common ground!

Harvard Business School recently conducted a study and found that if you “want to improve your paycheck, improve your image” A nicer pair of jeans may be just the start.


From Michelle: He wears his ratty old, favorite t shirts on the weekend claiming comfort and ease. I wants him in a crisp button up JCrew shirt. What’s the middle meeting ground?

In HIS opinion, what makes his t-shirts “comfortable”? The fabric (maybe a bit more worn and therefore soft?), the fit (is he conscious of his waistline?), the color (perhaps it is the only perfect blue he can find?) or the memories? Or maybe he is just cost conscious and a T-shirt is a waste of his time and YOUR money? Never Fear!

There is a Tee-Shirt (think Hanes with Gas station logo) and then there is a T-Shirt (think Abercrombie and Fitch) Let’s put “crisp” and “button up” on the dream board and start with new T-Shirts with his comfort factors. And yes, these can definitely look dressed up when paired with a great fitting pair of jeans and polished shoes.

Holly’s Product Pick: Express Graphic t-shirts $15-25


From Jane: He wears a zip up fleece vest I think the vests make him look older than he really is! He likes to stay warm and comfortable. I want him to look a little more hip.

Does he wear fleece for the feel of the fabric? Because it is light-weight so he stays warm but doesn’t sweat? Because it isn’t bulky?

Puffy vests are hip and the perfect option because they come in a variety of weights, fills (for warmth factor) and even fabrics.

Holly’s Product Pick: Puffy Vests, Buckle $68-109


From Mallory: He likes to wear patterned shirts with a patterned tie. I like color and the trendy attempt – but it can get too crazy. How can I help him coordinate?

Wearing patterned shirts and ties is definitely the current trend but is tricky to navigate. The message could be either “I am forward-thinking” OR “I am a clown”.

1. The patterns/prints should not match. (floral print shirt with floral patterned tie)

2. One pattern/print must always be larger than the other.

3. For the best look, choose a color from either the favorite printed shirt and find a solid tie to COMPLIMENT, OR choose a favorite patterned tie and wear a solid shirt to COMPLIMENT. If one is competing with the other-they both lose.

Holly’s Product Picks:

Macys Shirts $28

Macy’s Ties $15-30


From Candi: My husband is a little too hip! He wears pointy toe dress shoes, that I think are just over the top. What is a dress shoe option that is still on trend, but a little more subtle?

Image goes from head to toe. The higher up the toe points, the lower down the image goes. While this is a personal decision, in the business world-only elves wear pointed-toe shoes. To communicate style AND smarts opt for:

Holly’s Product Picks:

DSW , Stacy Adams Danton Leather Slip-On $59.95


From Mindy: My husband wears ugly sweat pants each and every weekend. I want him to find some better looking lounge wear.

Sweats should not be worn unless the intent is to sweat. But if comfort is the goal, here are a few better “suited” options. Fit and fabric are key.

Holly’s Product Picks:

Dick’s Sporting Goods, Premium Lounge pants with cargo pockets $33

Finish Line Side zip “track” pants,. $24

Finish Line Zip Hoodi,e $40

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