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Need a distraction? Here are 4 social distancing survival kits to get you through long days

Staying away from people is hard, but these survival kits can bring a little joy to your friends and family!

We’re all trying to stay home as much as possible. And of course, we’re starting to miss people! A unique solution came about, and we can’t get enough! This idea of social distancing survival kits is genius. Send one from grandma to grand kids, aunt to niece, or, why not to yourself!

Trend Tracker Mindy Dunyon shares four of her favorite survival kits. Most of them come with a pick up or a delivery option, so you can get out of the house for a minute, or have the fun sent straight to your door.


Social Distancing Survival Kits

Social Distancing Survival Kit, $34.99,

Pizza Survival Kit, starts at $5.95, Midici Neopolitan Pizza Company

Holidays in a Box Kit, @holidaysinabox

Doughsie Dough Kits, $30,

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