It’s a topic we don’t often hear celebrated—especially in Hollywood! In recent years, many celebrities have reframed the narrative around aging.
Claiming that growing old is something to embrace with confidence, grace, and even pride. Ashley Rose Reeves joined us to celebrate some of their inspiring voices.
“This word ‘anti-aging’ has to be struck. I am pro-aging. I want to age with intelligence, and grace, and dignity, and verve, and energy. I don’t want to hide from it.”
- Jamie Lee Curtis
“I can’t wait to see myself old.”
- Pamela Anderson
“I just feel like I earned that gray hair and my fine lines. I like ‘em. I so prefer 43 to 25.”
- Reese Witherspoon
“I look in the mirror and I see that I look like my mother, and that warms me… I see my family in my face. I see my age.”
- Angelina Jolie
“I’m better now at all the things you can’t touch with your hands. I’m more discerning. My joy is deeper and less shakeable. My craft is really fine-tuned.”
- Alfre Woodard
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