Sometimes letting go is the best move. Get expert advice on whether to hang in there or move on.
There are times in your life when letting go will make you stronger, healthier and happier. Knowing when to let go and to move on can be challenging. Timing is everything – here are five reasons to help you know – it is time to make change and move on!
1. Your trust is being broken.
· Trust is earned and needs to be valued.
· Trust is a two-way street. If someone in your life is not trustworthy – do not count on them to be a loyal friend.
· Walk away from individuals whose words and actions are inconsistent.
2. Your ‘worth’ is not valued – in personal or professional relationships.
· Know and recognize your personal worth.
· Empower yourself from within and be true to yourself.
· Above all – respect yourself and do not settle for anything less from your family, friends or co-workers.
3. Your voice is not being heard.
· Speak up for yourself – don’t have regrets.
· If not given a chance to speak your mind – stop talking and recognize some individuals will choose not to listen.
· Your opinion is valuable – have the confidence to express it.
4. You’re not living in the present moment.
· Stop obsessing about and living in the past.
· Learn from past experiences, forgive yourself and move forward.
· Life is about taking risks, making change and following your instincts.
5. You’re sacrificing your happiness for others.
· Don’t allow others to determine your happiness by making more withdrawals than deposits in your ‘happiness account’.
· Happiness is a choice. Choose to feel joy in your life.
· It is not your responsibility to make others happy.
Upcoming Events:
Vikki will speak at two events sponsored by the Girl Scouts of Utah
Saturday, September 15th 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Moms CONNECT With Your Daughters!
GS of Utah Council Center – for women ages 18 and up.
Saturday, September 29th 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
What Makes you Beautiful – Teen Healthy Media Summit
University of Utah – for girls 12-18 years old
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