Up the fun factor at your next celebration with some new birthday party games!
The best part of any party is the games! Some new activities will set your kids up for a fun day. Grab some basic party supplies and items from around the house for party games the kids will be talking about for days.
Brittany Beattie shares six new birthday party games to try at your next party. She shares the supply list, and how you can put all the games together on a budget. She also shares a brain game that is perfect for the party scene.
Find more family fun inspiration from Brittany on Instagram, @familyfed, or on YouTube. Find her birthday-themed escape room plan at www.familyfed.com.
6 New Birthday Party Games
Candles on the Cake Race
- Turn pool noodles into birthday candles by spiraling tape along the outside and placing a paper flame in the top. Cut holes in a plastic kiddie pool to prepare a “cake” base. Lay the candles down around the yard and have the children take turns racing to gather the candles and place them into the kiddie-pool cake. The fastest time wins a prize.
Birthday Candle Frisbee Golf
- For a second twist on the pool-noodle candles, place the pool-noodle candles on stakes or wooden dowels throughout the yard to create a Frisbee golf course. Then give everyone a Frisbee and have them try to “blow out” each candle by knocking it off with the Frisbee (just place the paper back in place for the next person).
Birthday Balloons Memory Game
- Remember the old wedding shower game where you place several objects on a plate, show them to the group for 10 seconds, and then have them write down as many items as they remember? Now it has a birthday twist! Get several small toys (no sharp edges), candies, or candles and place them inside a balloon, and then blow up the balloon. Play the memory game with each balloon, and the person who remembers the most objects in each balloon gets to keep the prize inside. If you want to include some large objects for prizes, simply write down the name of the object on a paper and put it inside the balloon.
Birthday Candles Picture Puzzles
- Give each person a set of birthday candles. Ahead of time, take several photos that show the candles in various combinations stacked from top to bottom, such as blue-blue-green-yellow-green-red. Show the group one picture at a time and have them race to arrange the candles in that order to earn a point for the fastest person. You can also try arranging the candles in shapes instead of stacked on top of each other for more of a challenge for older children.
Happy Birthday Word Scramble
- For older children, place a “happy birthday” banner in the room. Have the children take turns in a circle creating a word from the letters in “happy birthday,” such as “hat,” “had,” “pit,” or “bay.” If they repeat a word that has been said, they are out of the circle. You can also select some “prize words” or “treat words” ahead of time, and then if anyone says that word they get a special prize or treat.
Cone You Bounce It?
- Have the children build an “ice cream cone dessert” by placing an ice cream cone on the table and having them try to bounce a Ping Pong ball to resemble a scoop of ice cream inside the cone. Try something new for each round, such as requiring only one bounce or three bounces or certain distances away from the cones. Tip: It works best to attach the ice cream cone to a plate with frosting to help it stay standing up.
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