It might not sound romantic, but Studio 5 Contributor Sue Neal lists some unique and thoughtful ideas to let that special someone know you care!
1. The Gift of technology
Let’s start with the easiest…just buy it! Tuck the gift in a chinese take-out box brimming with handmade dipped chinese fortune cookies for a creative and thoughtful presentation.
2. Power Point
Maybe you’re not technologically inclined…but Power Point has been around for ages and it’s likely you’ve even helped your child with homework assignments on this program.
Add some photos, text and music for a one-of-a-kind valentine gift. Email it to the object of your affection for a real inbox treat! (yes, that is me in a tomato suit…compliments of my creative husband!).
3. Post a video on
So many options here! Write a song, sing a song, read a poem, declare your love…in public! (You can always delete it later!) I found this winning proposal video, but there are many, many more to inspire you.
You can watch this romantic declaration of love here:
4. Declare your love on your blog
We’re quick with a “love ya”, but sometimes we should write what we feel. The exercise can be a moving declaration of love easily shared on a family blog.
5. Digital Picture Frame – load it and give as a gift
Digital Picture Frames aren’t new, but they are sure getting more affordable! This will take some time, but collect pictures of just the two of you, load them up and present it as a gift. What a wonderful desk-top distraction!
6. Music – iTunes
Usually couples have meaningful and memorable songs they’ve collected during their relationship. Create a personalized playlist and either up-load it to their itunes secretly or put it on a CD and set it up in the car, so it starts playing as soon as she/he starts the car.
7. Texting – “I’m thinking about you”
This sounds like it could be more annoying than enjoyable, but if do it right it can be a all-day, fun, declaration of your love. The trick here is to have a plan. Prepare short, meaningful messages and send them at the same time all day long (on the hour, every hour). Each message will become something to anticipate and enjoy.
Messages should be personal and meaningful. Avoid simple “I love you”s. A few examples that work great not only for texts, but Fortune cookies messages as well.
• You. Complete. Me (or other favorite movie references)
• I adore you. Always.
Even when you make me mad.• My best day is when you smile at me.
• It’s no secret how much I admire you.
You’re funny, smart and strong.• You have my complete loyalty.
• Love conquers all. Even raising teenagers.
• I love when you leave your toothbrush
on the counter. Really.
8. A technological Scavenger Hunt
You now have six ideas. The 7th is putting them all together in the ultimate gift: A technological scavenger hunt.
Start with whatever technology your partner is most likely to start their day with. Leave clues and/or gifts with each technology (email, text, Facebook message, IM, etc…) moving from one to another. This could start in the morning and end in the evening, or take place quickly. Incorporate non-technology steps, for instance; text “I ‘canoe’ live without you” and then have a gift waiting in the canoe in the garage with another clue. Clues can also be photos, recorded sound, messages from people or old fashioned written clues.
What a perfect way to get creative and show your love! This will keep your partner hopping, anticipating and enjoying this Valentine’s day.
Visit Sue Neal’s blog at
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