Almond Lace Rollups

Almond Lace Rollups
4 T. Butter
2 T Heavy cream
1 T Orange juice concentrate
¾ c. whole almonds, ground medium fine
1 T. Flour
½ c. sugar

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment or a Silpat.

Heat butter, cream and orange juice concentrate. When melted and combined, add remaining ingredients. Heat for 2-3 minutes, until gently bubbling. Remove from heat and keep warm.

Place 5 half-teaspoons on baking sheet. Bake until lightly browned and crisp, about 6-7 minutes.

Remove from oven and let sit for 1-2 minutes. Then roll around the handle of a wooden spoon, or roll into cones. Press edges together. Work quickly while cookies are still moldable. Place cookies on wire rack to continue cooling.

Dip in melted chocolate if desired.

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