Are You A Saver Or A Spender?

Sara Swift, from Utah Central Credit Union has some tips that can help you teach your children the importance of saving their money and has a quiz you can take to see if you are a saver or a spender.

Try This “Young Spenders Profile” Quiz

The following 15 statements pertain to spending techniques. There are five responses to select from which indicate the degree of your likeness to each statement. Just mark the number in the space provided. Should a statement not apply to your situation, skip it and adjust the scoring accordingly. The scoring section follows.


1. Totally like me

2. A lot like me

3. Equally like and unlike me

4. A little like me

5. Not like me at all

Spending Techniques:

1. Each time I receive money, I usually put a small amount of cash aside as savings___________

2. Each time I receive any money, I usually deposit it into a checking or savings account___________

3. I keep track of the money I receive from all sources___________

4. I set aside a pre-determined portion of my money for regular weekly expenses___________

5. I set aside ten percent of the money I receive for savings__________

6. My money is managed (both spending & savings) according to a written spending plan or budget___________

7. My food and grocery spending is planned in advance and done with a list__________

8. I rarely make less than two trips a week to the grocery or convenience store____________

9. Grocery and other coupons are utilized whenever possible_______________

10. Comparison shopping for quality, value, price, etc. is something I do for practically every purchase, large or small____________

11. I have comparison shopped for food and clothing in the last year____________

12. I don’t dine out (breakfast, lunch or dinner) more than two times a week___________

13. I account for all my cash spending by collecting receipts____________

14. I am saving money towards my college education_____________

15. I have given food/money to needy persons in the last two weeks____________

*TOTAL OF ALL RESPONSES = _______________


15-23 VERY PERCEPTIVE. Time to teach others how to do it.

23-34: PRETTY GOOD Concentrate on improving a few weaker spots.

35-47: AVERAGE An hour-a-week on improving spending = Savings

48-60 LOUSY Immediate change required to avoid financial disaster.

60+ IT STINKS! You need to re-evaluate all your spending habits.

*(courtesy of the Indiana Department of Financial Institutions)

For more information on Utah Central Credit Union you can visit their branches or online at

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