Camp Chef: Outdoor Canning

Natalie Brown with Camp Chef shares her expertise on Studio 5

Get Started Canning with Camp Chef

Boiling water bath canning is used for preserving high acid foods such as fruits, jams, jellies, pickles, sauerkraut, relishes, tomatoes, vinegars and other high acid foods.

Items Needed:

• Universal Camp Chef Stoves

• Boiling water canner

• canning jars

• canning lids

• canning rings

• canning jar tongs

• Heat Diffuser

Tip: To ensure uniform processing the canner should be no more than 4 inches wider than the burner.

Canning Step-by-Step:
1. Read through recipe and gather equipment.

2. Check jars, rings, lids for cracks, nicks and anything that might prevent the jars from sealing.
Wash jars, lids and rings with hot, soapy water and rinse well.

3. Place jars in large stock pot. Cover with water and bring to simmer (180 degrees) over high heat.
Reduce heat and keeps jars hot until needed.
Note: Dishwasher may be used to preheat jars.

4. Prepare food according to the recipe.

5. Place lids in small pan. Cover with water and bring to simmer (180 degrees). Keep lids hot until needed.
DO NOT boil the lids.

6. Fill jars (one at a time) with food. Allow proper headspace in jar.

Jellies, jams and other fruit spreads need 1/4 inch.

Fruits and tomatoes need 1/2 inch.

Fruit juices need 1/4 inch.

Sauces, vinegars and other condiments need 1/4 inch.

Pickles, relishes need 1/4 inch.

7. Slide a rubber spatula between the jar and food, pressing against food to remove air bubbles.
Add more food to jar if needed to keep proper headspace.

8. Wipe rim of jar with damp cloth to remove any food. Place lid on jar.

9. Place ring on jar and tighten evenly until it is as snug as you can get it with fingertips.

10. Place jars on rack in canner. Repeat steps 6-9 for each jar.
When rack is full, lower into water. Water must be at least 1 inch above top of jars. Turn heat to medium high heat.

11. Once water returns to a full boil, begin counting process time.
Note: For altitudes higher than 1,000 ft. above sea level, increase process time as recommended.

12. After time expires, turn off heat and remove canner lid. Once boiling stops, remove jars (without tipping) and place on a towel to cool.
DO NOT retighten lids or test seals until jars cool 24 hrs.

13. Once jars cool, check lids for seal (test by pressing center of lid).
Note: Refrigerate or reprocess unsealed jars.

14. Remove rings, wash, dry and store. Wipe jars and store in cool, dry and dark place.

Note: For best results, use home canned foods within 1-year.

For more information on Camp Chef products and accessories, check out their website at

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