If capturing you family’s big and small moments is at the top of your New
Year’s Resolutions, we are making it easier than ever to accomplish!
Paper crafter Kelly Brown, with Simply Kelly B shares 4 simple ways to capture
your memories this year.
Weekly Journal Cards
– This is an easy way to journal your year with one card for each week.
Gratitude Pocket Banner
– I love this simple project as a way to let the whole family express
gratitude throughout the year.
Picture a Day Calendar
– I love to use vintage bingo cards as a monthly calendar. Then you can
paste one small picture in each square, to represent each day of the year.
2012 Time Capsule
– You could use any photo box for this project. I love the photo boxes
from Ikea. Simply file memories like pictures, plane tickets, ticket stubs,
playbills, etc., in a cute box organized by month.
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