3 to 4 lbs. country style pork ribs
1/2 medium lemon
8 fresh sage leaves
salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 T extra virgin olive oil
3 T onion, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 3/4 cups dry white wine
1/2 cup water
Up to two hours before cooking, rub the ribs with the lemon, squeezing out the juice as you go. Rub ribs with the sage leaves, salt and pepper, then distribute the sage leaves around the ribs and pile on a platter, cover and reigrigerate for 2 hours.
Heat the oil in a large saute pand (not nonstick) over medium-high heat. Place the ribs in the pan in a single layer and drown on two sides, about 10 minutes. Sprinkle with the onion and finish browning the remaining two sides. Drain off all fat. Sprinkle the ribs with the garlic and 1/2 cup of the wine. Cook slowly, uncovered, deglazing and turning the ribs frequently until all the liquid is evaporated. Repeat with another 1/2 cup of wine, turning and spooning juices over the ribs frequently. Repeat until all the wine is used and the meat is done, using the 1/2 cup of water for the last deglazing.
Cook the sauce down until it is syrupy and coats the meat. Serve hot.
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