candy tote

Customize your candy tote! 3 cute ideas for making them personal to your kids

You’ll have the cutest candy totes on the block!

A pillowcase can hold a lot of candy, but it’s not the most practical way to walk the blocks. Leave the pillow case at home and hit the streets with a cute tote bag to hold all your Halloween spoils. A simple canvas bag can be customized and personalized.

Emily Price shares her ideas for dressing up the versatile canvas bag.

Find a blank canvas bag at most craft stores. Addy vinyl or patches to decorate the bag to match any theme or costume. Embellish with ribbons and other details.

This is a fun crafting project to do with your kids prior to Halloween or even with girlfriends or a group of teens who are doing a group costume.

Emily is always sharing creative ideas on her Instagram @embprice. Follow her for more inspiration.

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