Dig In and Divide!

Horticulturist, Jerry Goodspeed, says autumn is the perfect time to divide and conquer most perennials.

Dig In and Divide!

1. Why do we need to divide perennials?
    A. They get too large for the area they are in
    B. The centers of the plants die out as the plant increases in           size, making it unhealthy and ugly
    C. To move the plants or get new starts for our own garden

2. When is the best time to divide and move perennials?
    A. As a rule of thumb we say for perennials blooming before July         we divide in the fall
    B. Those that bloom after we divide in the spring
    C. However, most perennials can be divided at either time.

3. What tools do I need?
    A. Shovel, pitch fork, trowel, muscle…

For more information on workshops, plant sales and classes go to
or contact:
Jerry L. Goodspeed
Utah State University Extension
Weber County
Director – Ogden Botanical Gardens

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