Food storage is easier than ever before. Make sure your family is prepared in
case of an emergency.
Josh Baum with Family Storehouse shares details about the latest and
greatest food storage products.
Our new Freeze Dried products are the newest and most innovative food
storage product to hit the market in years! We are very excited to announce a
new and better way to store your favorite food storage products in a much
smarter way.
Unlike a #10 can (large cans that most food storage products usually come
in) you can open our bucket and only use what you need. Inside every bucket
are nitrogen flushed pouches that contain a small portion of the product that
you purchased.
One of the biggest complaints that we have heard over the years “I don’t
want to open any cans of my food storage because I can’t use it all before it
goes bad”. We have solved this problem. Just take out one or more of the
pouches and use a small portion of the product and the rest will last for 30
years! The bucket has a specially designed lid that has a hinge cover and can
easy reseal.
We hope you are as excited about these new products as we are!
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