disney party

Hit your favorite theme park without the road trip! Host a Disney party this summer

This Disney party will be a family favorite summer activity.

You’ve heard about an un-birthday, or a half- birthday. How about an un-vacation? This is a little getaway, without the drive. It takes a little imagination and letting go of expectations.

Celeste Whitney shares an un-vacation to your favorite family theme park that might be the ticket to family adventure.

Find more ideas from Celeste on Instagram, @sevenloops.


Celeste Whitney is a former Studio 5 creative contributor with a flair for a homemade way to make things beautiful. She is always drawn to a project that no one else is doing – making her crafts and DIYs totally innovative and intriguing. Celeste is a home school mom and elevates the everyday in simple ways. Find and follow Celeste on Instagram @sevenloops.

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